Tara D. Kennedy has been performing in some capacity since the age of 5, primarily as a tap dancer and in musical theatre. Her favorite roles include Florence (Chess), Alice Beane (Titanic – OnStage Theatre Awards nominee, 2016), Dr. Eve Bolinger (Sordid Lives), Phyllis Dale (42nd Street), and Blanche (Brighton Beach Memoirs). She writes theatre reviews as the Chief Connecticut Theater Critic for OnStageBlog.
She has no formal degree in theatre, but has studied acting, voice, and dance since childhood as a pastime, and is an avid fan of theatre and performance. She holds a BA in Art History from Northwestern University, an MLIS/CAS in Library Science/Preservation and Conservation Studies from the University of Texas at Austin, and an MS in Forensic Science from the University of New Haven.
She is a Preservation Librarian at Yale University Library and a consulting conservator for cultural institutions around the country. She also is the Researcher Coordinator for The Doe Network, a non-profit organization that assists with the identification of unidentified remains and the recovery of missing persons.
She loves cats, but hated Cats.