“Ghost,” a musical adaptation of the Oscar-Winning film by Bruce Joel Rubin with musical score by Dave Stewart and Glen Ballard Jr. is currently on stage at Music Theatre of CT (MTC). Although this story is about love, greed, loss and grief it is entertaining and uplifting because it contains a message that we can all use in this age of anxiety.
This show was held back during the virus epidemic but it couldn’t have come here at a better time as Kevin Connors, MTC’s Executive Director and director of this wonderful production eloquently states in the program notes: “… most of us have likely had some experience in our lives that seemingly defied explanation but ultimately led to a peaceful resolution none the less. A situation which, for whatever unexplained reason, allowed us to move on.”
The plot centers around Sam (Seth Eliser) a bank executive and his sweetheart, Mollie (Allie Seibold). This newly married couple recently moved into a NYC Apt. and as they take a walk in the street Sam is mysteriously ambushed and killed – suddenly leaving Molly’s life in shambles. Like a John Grisham novel, the rest of the story is revealed in a series of scenes that are further enhanced by songs and dances rendered by excellent supporting actors and an energetic ensemble.
Seth and Allie’s singing voices blend nicely and since they are married in real life their love scenes can be considered authentic. Deserving of special mention is Ladonna Burns. She is so funny as the fortune teller “Oda Mae,” that everyone would feel fortunate to have her as their own guiding light. Backdrop scenery and projections by April M. Bartlett and RJ Romeo, neatly transform the scenes from sky scrapers to interior doorways etc. Choreographer Clint Hromosco captures New York’s financial district’s ticker-tape atmosphere with drill-like precision and Tony Bellomy directs this show’s delightful musical score.